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photography / music / fashion / art / fairs / contests / theatre...
Sheila Hicks / Artissima Torino
Sheila Hicks Sheila Hicks è una designer tessile nata nel 1934 a Hastings, Nebraska. Vive e lavora a Parigi dal 1964; prima di allora...
He Wei
He Wei "In ogni lavoro cerco di esprimere la bellezza, perché sono profondamente convinto che questa sia ancora oggi un elemento...
Artissima Torino
Artissima Torino
Santiago International Fashion Film Festival
Santiago International Fashion Film Festival. This year's SAIFFF will include lectures, conversations and retrospectives around fashion...
Frieze Master Reportage Lazagne magazine
E poi Andrea Salvatori si è catapultato a Frieze Master.
Steve Cutts - Man
#SteveCutts #MAN Animation created in Flash and After Effects looking at mans relationship with the natural world.
Reportage Frieze 2016 London
Reportage Lazagne art magazine Frieze London by Andrea Salvatori 1° parte #AndreaSalvatori
Reportage Tony Cragg Lisson Gallery London
Reportage Lazagne art magazine by #AndreaSalvatori Tony Cragg Lisson Gallery London
Reportage Biennale Architettura Venezia
Lazagne Art magazine in giro per la Biennale. Arsenale Giardini Ph. by Lara Vitali for Lazagne art magazine
Dorota Jurczak
2 Jul 2016 to 2 Oct 2016 Edifício CGD, Rua Arco do Cego, 50 1000-300 Lisbon przedstawienie,2011. Cortesy Corvi-Mora, London
Diane Arbus: In the Beginning
12 Jul 2016 to 27 Nov 2016 Metropolitan Museum of Art 945 Madison Avenue NY 10021 New York
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